HOPP 6m CME Small Group Coaching
Habits on Purpose for Physicians (HOPP)

CME Small Group Coaching Program

Helping high achievers design deliberate habits for life.

HOPP 7.0 runs March - September 2024. Join us, won't you?
The Q&A Replay is here.

Click here to enroll.
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Join now for HOPP announcements and practical habit tips.
  In short, HOPP 7.0 is an intimate group coaching program with:
  • Weekly, bite size content for the busy physician on the go
  • 4 coaching calls. month, generally Tuesdays at 5 pm PT / 8 pm ET
  • 2 private 1:1 coaching calls to use on anything you'd like
  • 2-4 Office Hours meetings for extra discussion, coaching, support
  • Accredited for up to 48h of CME
  • $6k investment (if price is a barrier, you can apply for a partial or full scholarship here).
  • Coaching by a Master Certified, Advanced Deep Dive Certified, Internal Family Systems-Informed coach

Read below for more details about the philosophy, the process and how it's the most effective, fun and supportive program you could do to work on your habits. 
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Picture this. THE END of:

  • Beating yourself up
  • Second guessing
  • The grip of perfectionism
  • Numbing
  • Overextending
  • Overthinking
  • Catastrophic thinking
  • Saying yes when you want to say no
  • Worrying about what others think

Imagine how great it would feel to wake up in the morning, and know you're living life on purpose, instead of on the same old default.
Say no more, I'm in!
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Hi. I'm Kristi Angevine. I'm a board certified OB/GYN, a Master Certified Life Coach and an Advanced Deep Dive and Internal Family Systems-informed coach.

I help high achieving women find the root causes of their current habits so they can design new ones- without willpower and without making themselves wrong along the way.

As Mary Oliver wrote, this is "your one wild, precious life".

Habits like all or none thinking, second guessing, overcomplicating, perfectionism, numbing, ruminating- they take more than they give.

I know. I know because these habits used to be my entire existence and I didn't know there was another way to live. Can you relate?

This is where the the HOPP coaching program for women physicians comes in. 

With cognitive and somatic coaching, you will learn why you have your current habits. Then, I'll teach you how to apply practical tools and techniques for real world habit change in your day to day life. This way- you develop a skillset you can use all on your own, for the rest of your life.

How? Keep reading or jump ahead by clicking on one of these sections:

What other physicians have to say
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Instead of feeling like you're a perpetual self improvement project, you trust yourself completely.

Your values and priorities are so clear that you make decisions quickly without worrying about external approval.

Even though life has curve balls and gut wrenching things happen, you don't feel totally batted around by what's outside your control.

Loose ends from work don’t invade family time and you know how to enjoy whitespace and time spent just BEING.

Instead of coping by working more, hustling and numbing, you know exactly when you need rest, and how to give it to yourself (without guilt and without needing to be near collapse to have permission).

The perfectionist refrain, once I’m  ______ (thinner, more organized, smarter, program director, a mom who yells less), then I can be happy, is a thing of the past because you know how to love/trust/approve of yourself right here, right now.

Not only do you have your own back no matter what, you actually deeply care about yourself in the same way you love others.

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Imagine the 10 year impact of ending being so hard on yourself and feeling like life is happening to you.

In HOPP, you'll cultivate agency and true self confidence, for life.
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This is 100% possible...

when you learn how to partner with yourself and actually implement all the personal development ideas that you already intellectually understand.

Yes, please. 
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Let's take a moment and consider how you got to where you are today. Slowly, over the years, you learned certain rules, adopted certain beliefs, and you developed amazing habits that served you very well.

But some of these habits came with a cost.

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Underneath your high standards and great work ethic, is overextending at your own expense, perfectionism, and people pleasing, with a steady hum of anxiety, guilt and doubt. Sound familiar?
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Here's the problem:

From the outside life looks great- but inside- you aren’t settled or content.

It's not your intent, but you overcomplicate things. You often wake up second guessing- what if I'd done it differently? Your inner critic is ALWAYS present and comparison is like a signature hobby.

Your focus on the future makes you miss out on the present, yet you know life is short and don't want to squander it. You’re sick and tired of feeling overwhelmed by the same to do list you've had for the last 5 years.

No matter how productive you are, you always feel like you aren’t doing enough or excelling as well as you should be/could be. Be it marriage, work, charting, parenting, relationships, exercise, your home, there's never enough time or you're not doing it as well as so and so.

And somewhere along the line, you definitely missed the memo about how to luxuriate in whitespace.

To add insult to injury- you think should have been able to figure it all out by now. And since you haven't, it's easy to make that mean there's something uniquely defective about you.

I get it. I did ALL of it. In all my roles- doctor, wife, mom, athlete, friend, daughter, neighbor- I overcomplicated. I overworked. I judged myself ruthlessly. I was a master at ruminating, numbing, catastrophizing and second guessing. And I was so used to living like this, that it never occurred to me to question my habits.

My coping mechanism was to work more and go harder. 
Suck it up, buttercup. My life was so first world- who was I to complain? I had no clue perfectionism was running the show- because I thought perfectionists were perfect and that FOR SURE wasn't me.

Despite outside appearances to the contrary, insecurity and imposter syndrome were my daily reality. I slapped a smile on and made the best of it, but I never felt truly grounded or self confident. And the added layer of suffering was how inadequate I felt for not being able to figure it out.

Back then, the root cause seemed totally elusive and nebulous, so I concluded there must be something inherently and fundamentally wrong with me.

Such a painful way to live.
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So, here's the truth: The only problem is that up until now, no one has taught you how you change old habits and create intentional ones.
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This is exactly what you'll learn how to do over the next 6 months together in HOPP.
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HOW? With the HOPP Process, you'll:
  • Develop the skill of in-the-moment awareness of your habits and learn how to anticipate and interrupt them.
  • Identify perfectionistic tendencies you may not realize you have by doing a Perfectionism Audit*.
  • Learn to make decisions ahead of time, so you are fully in control of how you use your time.
  • Set clean, loving boundaries and say no without drama.
  • Get crystal clear on what matters most with the Values-Priorities-Wants assessment.
  • Strengthen the skill of processing your emotions in a productive way.
  • Learn when and how to change your thoughts. 
  • Develop a kinder relationship with yourself, as well as a clear process for directing your mind on purpose.
  • Create a practical self-coaching routine that fits your life.

*Don't think you are a perfectionist because you are so far from perfect? I see you!
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When you apply these skills, you change your habits. When you change your habits, you change everything.
Click here to sign up.
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There is no other program like it. Check out the details:

6 months together: In my experience 6 months is the perfect duration to learn, apply, mess up, try again, refine and keep going so that by the end, your new awareness and new habits start becoming more automatic.

Small, intimate group of women physicians: The group size is capped to ensure individual attention. When you're with other physicians- you're with people who get it- the challenges of being a doctor and juggling work demands, life, charts, patients, partners.

Weekly, recorded calls: We meet on Zoom for Brady Bunch style calls once a week. These calls are designed to be the best part of your week: fun, useful and transformative. They're recorded so that you and your cohort can review them anytime you'd like. See below for all the program dates/times.

Community, camaraderie and connection with the other fabulous women in the program: All calls are Brady Bunch style so we interact face to face. Have all your experiences normalized as you learn from one another and share struggles and wins.

Support and encouragement between calls: In our private online Slack group you get 24/7 access to written support and written coaching. You reach out anytime you run into a challenge.This keeps momentum going.

Didactics: Optional, (but very high yield) weekly videos and worksheets help you move from intellectual understanding to real life application. Distilled, easy to digest and practical. Designed for the busy doc on the go.

Guest coach appearances: Occasionally, we have advanced trained coaches who love coaching high achieving women. This brings fresh perspective from coaches who don't often offer coaching outside of their own private programs.

Accredited for CME: You can use CME funds and at the end, claim up to 48 hours of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

Investment for the 6 months: $6k, paid in full, or in 3 or 6 monthly payments. If the price is a barrier to participation, please click here to apply for one of the partial or full scholarships.
LFG. Secure your spot today.
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Dates for HOPP 7.0 March - September 2024
All calls are one hour in length and all times are listed in Pacific Time.

Welcome call Friday 3/8 1 pm or 5pm (TBD by poll of participants)
Tuesday 3/12 5 pm
Tuesday 3/19 5 pm
Tuesday 3/26 5 pm

Tuesday 4/2 5 pm
Tuesday 4/16 5 pm
Tuesday 4/23 5 pm
Tuesday 4/30 5 pm

Friday 5/3 1 pm
Tuesday 5/14 5 pm
Tuesday 5/21 5 pm
Tuesday 5/28 5 pm

Tuesday 6/4 5 pm
Tuesday 6/11 5 pm
Tuesday 6/18 5 pm
Friday 6/21 1 pm

July-Integration Month

Tuesday 8/6 5 pm
Tuesday 8/13 5 pm
Tuesday 8/20 5 pm
Tuesday 8/27 5 pm

Tuesday 9/3 5 pm
Tuesday 9/10 5 pm
Tuesday 9/17 5 pm
Tuesday 9/24 5 pm

Monthly office hours Day/Time TBD by poll of cohort

Can't make a call? No worries. All calls are recorded so you can catch the replays. Replays go on the Members-Only Private Podcast

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Join HOPP 7.0 here
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2 Week Preview Option
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How this program is special:

Small, intimate size:

Individual attention and guidance every step of the way. No getting lost in a massive crowd. No feeling like you don't belong.


Group coaching:

In community, we learn so much more. The power of group coaching is in getting coaching and insights you didn't even know you needed, just by being in the same room and actively observing the coaching of others.


One Coach:

You know exactly who will coach you: me! I'll guide and support you to UNDERSTAND your old habits so you know exactly how to change them into purposeful ones.


Tangible didactics:
High yield, practical content with on-the-page and off-the-page exercises. This way, you APPLY concepts and tools in your real life. Then we spend 6 months refining them.  

Connection & Support:
A small community of like minded women who love self development as much as you do. Sharing ideas, discussing challenges and progress, helping one another-- is priceless. 

Monthly Modules: 

The Fundamentals:
Habits are simply habituated thought patterns and behaviors that that result from repetition. In your first month, you'll learn the ways that your mindset and emotions drive your actions. You'll start to develop a routine for increasing your awareness of your defaults and start understanding why you have them.

Habits and Self Concept:
The way you think about yourself guides your entire experience. This month, you'll start unwinding your current mindset about yourself and create an entirely new relationship based on love, curiosity and always having your own back. This is the foundation to create habits on purpose instead of habits on accident.

Habits and Relationships:
Discover what is at the core of all your relationship dynamics. You'll explore how your expectations for yourself and others play out in your experience of the relationships. This month you'll discover how to create more ease in all your relationships: work, family, friends, and your community.

Advanced Implementation:
Integrate advanced concepts into your daily life so you can observe and lovingly direct your mind in real time, not just retrospectively. This month, you'll learn how to think about your best future self. You'll use curiosity as a skill, learn how to take a tiny pause from anything, and ensure you aren't using self development work against yourself. 

Habits on Purpose: 
Intentionally design and solidify habits that serve you, so you can be deliberate about how you think, feel and show up in your life. This means unraveling people pleasing, time management and perfectionism. It also includes a focus on joy, ease and fun- even in the face of life's uncertainty and unknowns.

Goals and Your Future:
In this final month, you'll synthesize all you've learned. We'll discuss massive action without hustle. You'll explore constraint and impossible goals. You'll learn to set and achieve big goals without excess mind drama. This where your self confidence is solidified.
Click here to join!
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What other physicians are saying:

"This was probably one of the most thoughtfully designed courses I have had the pleasure of being a part of." Stella Evans, MD, Pediatrics
"I would tell future coachees to invest in the work. Find time to do it and just commit to doing it." Meivys Garcia, MD, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

""Kristi is a gem in the world of physician coaches. Her deep understanding of the technical skill of coaching allow for an incredible experience as a client. She truly loves all her clients and is 100% on their side helping them find the courage to grow and evolve. Her program has been so easy to be a part of. It doesn’t add stress to your life. The materials are clear, practical and easily integrated into your weekly schedule. The course runs smoothly, with just the right amount of support for your desired learning. She is committed to meeting clients where they are at and yet able to teach and coach to all levels. She an expert in the field of habit change, but that is only a fraction of the coaching value she provides. I have been in three of Kristi’s programs and would 100% recommend anything she offers to any physician wanting to dive into changing habits, breaking down your inner-critic and learning more about who you are and who you want to be. You can’t go wrong in working with Kristi." - Carol Mills, MD Family Medicine
 "Kristi was incredibly available to us all - sharing suggestions and coaching via Slack in between calls.  The group support from other female physicians with similar life experiences and challenges was incredibly valuable." -Lara Hall, MD, Family Medicine

"I have been working with Kristi almost a year and really enjoy her coaching style and the way she really hones in on the issue at hand and helps me discover my own thoughts. I have grown a tremendous amount over this past year and am much more centered and grounded now. I am so grateful to have found coaching and especially Kristi!" -A.S.MD, Internal Medicine

"Kristi was really born to do this work. She has the same medical training as us fellow physicians, and has also deep dived into the world of life coaching.  She's really trimmed all the fat off of what there is learn and benefit from, and presents it in such a concise and profound way, physician-to-physician.  It was amazing to see her coach and be coached, and find a way around issues that seem insurmountable."
-Anon MD, ENT

 "Kristi takes the time to understand questions and issues. She is meticulous in her approach." Madhavi Ryali, MD
"Kristi amazes me. Her coaching somehow manages to balance calm with advice that leads to huge eye opening moments." -E.W. MD
"Kristi showed me compassion I couldn't show to myself." - Jill Bailey, MD, Family Medicine
"Kristi brings a little comedy and a warmth to her coaching. She also was amazing with showing you that your brain is just doing what a brain does. Lots of great examples and metaphors without "jumping in the pool"" Chandra Weiwel, MD
"Kristi--THANK YOU!! Coaching has been a rare gift, that I never thought I needed, or maybe deserved. You have helped me foster a new way to see life itself. I have my back now." -Anon
"I take your words of wisdom with me constantly. You have helped me create new thoughts and feelings about myself that allow me to love myself, have new purpose, and choice in this precious life we have. I just need to continue practicing these new HABITS." -Anon
"I would encourage anyone training to be a coach or who is a coach to take this program for a deeper and broader understanding and to up level your own coaching by virtue of the material and witnessing Kristi's seamless ability to hold space and show thoughts."
-K.L. Family Medicine

"I had participated in a coaching course before and was doing thoughtwork myself, but felt I needed a more systematic approach to learn the coaching tools. Kristi’s course was exactly what I wanted because she has designed the course in a very strategic way with a structure that allowed me to learn in a more organized way. Each week there is a theme and a worksheet that integrates as the course continues. The tools slowly incorporate into your daily routine without much effort or feeling overwhelmed. I have recommended this course to all my close friends and would recommend it to any women physician."
-Diana Franco, MD Gastroenterology
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"The most transformative part of coaching with Kristi is realizing and BELIEVING that I am not a victim of life circumstances, but the chief architect and engineer of my life." -Anon
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"Kristi showed me there really is no aspect of my mind or behavior that is not pliable- parts of me that were "just me", or that I regarded as hardwired, I now realize are available to me to reconsider and ultimately address and mold." M.S, MD Emergency Medicine

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"Kristi invites you into a session with a warm and genuine smile. She is very easy to trust and talk to." -Anon
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"She is so upbeat, cheerful, and pleasant. She coaches in a manner that is so encouraging." -Anon
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"Kristi is a wonderful coach.

She is patient, clear, and funny, and she allows me to examine my mind by holding space for my thoughts to unfold, without judgement. Given the rich learning material about how the mind works, combined with the space to examine my thoughts, this program has completely transformed the way I live my life as a doctor, as a mom, as a friend, as an athlete.

It has been the best thing I have done for myself after getting married and having kids. I have loved it so much that I am now continuing coaching and am involved in becoming a coach so that I can offer others the same benefits."

-Ioana Lupu, MD, Rural Family Medicine/ER

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Let's be honest. Rewiring habits takes work. It is not always intuitive. It requires a willingness to overcome inertia, to do things differently, and to feel your feelings instead of barreling through them. But think of what's possible when you take on this work with help and guidance:
  • An entirely new relationship with yourself. More love and compassion, less judgement and criticism.
  • More time and energy because you won’t be overthinking or spinning your wheels in overwhelm.
  • Not taking responsibility for other people's emotions is liberation for you, and for them.
  • A sturdy self coaching practice and to keep up your momentum.
  • Being genuinely present. No more being home, but mentally still being at work.
  • No more feeling like you’re not doing enough. No more hustle. White space: non-negotiable.
  • You'll trust yourself to have your own back even when things don't go as planned.
  • You direct your mind, instead of it directing you and you can handle any emotion. This means real self confidence.

This work is a privilege I take seriously. It would be my honor to coach you.

Sign up now.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Who is HOPP for?
HOPP is for physicians who identify as women. You do not have to be active in your clinical practice. To borrow from the lovely Janette Dagleish- “I welcome and embrace all, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender expression, range of abilities and gifts, class, wealth, veteran status, former incarceration status, trauma experiences, spiritual beliefs or age.”
Why is HOPP so brilliant?

This is the only program of its kind: habit work in a small cohort with a single coach and CME. It's a thoughtfully designed experience with just the right balance of teaching and coaching. In a rich community with other women doing the same work as you. 

Coaching is an evidence based intervention that impacts multiple aspects of physician well being: locus of control, burnout, work/life balance, job satisfaction, happiness and empowerment. Coaching with a Master Certified Life and Advanced Deep Dive coach who has your best interests at heart, helps you see your blindspots more efficiently than doing this work on your own.

 What's the price? 
$6000. This can be paid in a lump sum, or in 3 or 6 monthly payments.
If the price is a barrier to participation, please click here to apply for one of the partial or full scholarships.
What is the benefit of a 6 month duration?
Just like learning a new physical skill or taking a college course, learning and practicing application of tools and concepts takes time. This duration allows you to develop consistent changes as you go beyond the more superficial gains you can expect in a shorter course.
Why a group coaching program?
The best way to investigate your own thinking habits is with a combination of didactics, real time guidance and learning with others. Without the community piece, learning takes place in a vacuum. Some of the most powerful insights into your own habits occur when you observe others be coached.
What if I cannot make all the calls?
No worries. They are recorded for later viewing. Dedicating uninterrupted time to review a replay is as high yield as attending live. 
Is there a lot of required reading?
No. You have a rich and busy life. The content is boiled down to the most high yield elements and tangible exercises. 
How will the content be delivered?

Content comes in the form of short videos and accompanying worksheets. These are released weekly on Slack. In addtiion, a private MEMBERS ONLY podcast includes all weekly content as well as all the weekly recordings of the coaching calls. This way- you can consume the information and call replays in audio or video format and can use your favorite streaming service to listen while on the go.

What is the time commitment?
The optimal time varies person to person. Our group calls 1 hour per week and the replays can be listened to at a faster speed. It's ideal to spend about 10-20 minutes most days of the week reflecting/writing. Weekly video content is short (15-25 min) and easy to consume on your commute or as a part of your morning routine one day a week. There is intentional whitespace built into the program so you can synthesize what you are learning.
Will I get individual attention?
Absolutely. HOPP Small Group Coaching is intentionally kept at a super small size to keep the group intimate and ensure that every participant receives personal attention.
I'm a coach. Will this work be helpful to me?
Yes! About 1/4 to 1/2 of my private clients are coaches. Coaches who get regularly coached uplevel the value they bring to their own coaching. Refining your own self analysis helps you help your clients at a deeper level. Keeping on top of your own brain's insidiously tricky ways is simply more efficient when you have someone helping you see your own blindspots. HOPP Small Group coaching is perfect for physicians who are also coaches.
Can I do HOPP at the same time as Self Coaching Scholars or a coach training program? 
HOPP complements Scholars and is excellent for coaches in training who want to take what they are learning off the page and into real life. 
I've never heard of thoughtwork or done any coaching. Is this program appropriate for me?

YES! The work we do in HOPP helps you develop a foundational base and fluency with thoughtwork concepts. No matter where you are with exposure to coaching, we work together to find limiting beliefs, habituated ideas, emotions and behaviors. If you have a question about the fit, email me at hello@habitsonpurpose.com

Have a question that's not answered here? Check out the Q&A replay here or shoot me a text or email.
Text +1-541-293-6213 (I'll reply between 5am and 5 pm PT).
Email hello@habitsonpurpose.com anytime.
Habits on Purpose for Physicians, LLC 2022 All Rights Reserved